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What skincare routine would suit my acne prone teenager?

What should I use for my son? He has pretty bad breakouts constantly – help!

Recently we were asked a very common question by a mum of three gorgeous teens – gorgeous, active, busy teens – one of which has constant recurring acne.

I began as always by asking a few important questions:

Does he have a skincare routine?
Does he wash his face?
What have you tried?

It’s important to remember that for every skin saavy person with an Instagram profile, there are hundreds more that are not sure where to start or what information to trust.

Teenage skin and sebum production

It gets sweaty, it gets oily – and that’s before they even wake up! The thing is..hormones, hormones and sebum. Sebum is like an oily film that has good intentions – its there to stop your skin from drying out. This is great – except sebum production can go into overdrive during puberty. This can clog up your pores – causing acne.

Keep acne at bay with a consistent skincare routine

Here is the routine we recommended using the Polita Skin Health Bundle to help this teen fight acne causing bacteria and reduce the appearance of acne.

**I’ll add some updates on progress over the next few weeks.

This is the disclaimer to let you know that this case study is to share a use case for this product range, this is not advice and it is important to do your own research, and seek medical advice before trying new products.

Example skincare routine for acne prone teenager using Polita youth product range.

The most important thing in hydration, inside and out. A skincare routine can help reduce the appearance and effects of acne, but it is important to eat a balanced diet, reduce sugars and fatty foods – and drink plent of water.

Wash face with Polita Foaming Cleanser twice daily.

Ok. Now, I know what you’re gonna say, teenagers can be forgetful, so if only once a day is possible, make sure to wash your face before bed. Here’s a ‘hot’ tip – when your face Is warm after a steamy shower, (or warm/hot towel) this opens up your pores, ready for the goodies to go in and the yuck stuff to come out.

Pat face dry with paper towel, I recommend this as an extra precaution to avoid any bacteria that could be sitting on your towel.


Apply a little Polita Hydrating Serum to clean, dry face twice daily.
In this particular case, the acne is in full swing, so if your breakouts are more sporadic or small, you can start with twice a week and build up as needed. The superpower for this product is its ability to hone in on the areas that really need a kick of hydration with anti-bacterial properties. Believe it or not, hydration is needed regardless of whether your skin is oily or dry.

Apply a small amount of Polita Daily Moisturser twice daily

You can also choose to mix the serum with the moisturiser to speed it up. The Polita Daily Moisturiser has a quick drying effect so it won’t leave a sticky, oily feeling on your skin.

Every two-three days, use the Polita Purifying Mask.

This clay mask is designed to remove impurities from the pores. You can be generous when you apply it, wash it off after 10mins using the Polita Foaming Cleanser, and repeat steps 2 and 3.

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